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Creatine Supplements for Health and Fitness

Creatine is responsible for intra-muscle energy generation. While muscle maintains a small and limited supply of creatine, it is used quickly during an anaerobic burst and then replenishes to allow the next "set." When you orally ingest creatine, it appears to increase the amount of creatine you hold in your muscles, thus, your "strength" and "performance" are increased. There also seems to be a cell volumizing effect. Each muscle fiber seems to attract and hold more water. Since muscle is primarily composed of water, put more water into each muscle cell and you wind up with greater muscle mass. Simple.

Our top pick of Creatine for health and fitness is:

Pumped Extreme Kre Alkalyn Creatine

Creatine Fitness Health

Pumped Extreme Kre Alkalyn Creatine supplement is the only 100% bioavailable creatine supplement with 100% absorption and zero toxic conversion. It's like "creatine on steroids" because it also contains anabolic boosters that support amazing workouts and wicked pumps!

Each 3 cap serving contains:

  • Kre-Alkalyn 1400 mg
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid 50 mg
  • L-Taurine 600 mg
  • Vanadyl Sulfate 20 mg

So stop gagging down suposed "high-tech" sugar filled creatine drinks, and just take 3 of these bad boys a day and see what Creatine really can do for your strength and muscle size!

Pumped Extreme Kre-Alkalyn Supplement 90 Capsules only $39.95 Plus $7.00 S&H

And in addition, you'll get our FREE "Muscle Volumizing Course" the secrets for obtaining maximum muscle size!

Buy Now

To order by phone call:
1-800-635-8970 or 1-503-648-1898
10 AM to 6 PM PST

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